Manage User Capacities Overview

Manage User Capacities Overview


Using the Manage User Capacities component, you can specify a capacity in a specific date range for up to 100 Users which have a Time Tracking app license. In sandboxes and Developer Edition orgs, Users without a Time Tracking app license can also be assigned capacity. See the sections below for a breakdown of the component’s functionality.

Demo Video

User Interface Breakdown

  • Start Date: Allows you to enter the starting date for the capacity range.

  • End Date: Allows you to enter the ending date for the capacity range.

  • Capacity for all rows…: Holds a capacity which you would like to apply to all rows.

  • Apply to all rows: On click of this button, if there is a value in the input noted previously, then set it as the value for the Hours column in the table for all rows.

  • Name filter: If a letter is clicked, the table is filtered to only show Users with a Last Name value beginning with the selected letter.

  • Show My Team checkbox: if selected, the table is filtered to only show the current User and Users whose Manager is the current User.

  • User: Users will display here if they have the Time Tracking licenses assigned to their user.

  • Capacity: This is the users current capacity for the Start and End dates chosen.

  • Actual: This is the actual time tracked by this user for the the Start and End dates chosen.

  • Hours: This is the Hours you set for this user and the Start and End dates chosen.

  • The table that shows up to 100 users in the org which have a Time Tracking app license assigned to them. The users are retrieved by Name. If the component is launched from a Sandbox or Developer Edition Salesforce org, then the restriction on Time Tracking app license is removed, so any user can show in the table.

  • Save: Button used to save the capacity entries for the users.

Functionality Walkthrough

When the component first loads, the table will show the first 100 User records which have a Time Tacking app license assigned to them, ordered by Name. The user will enter a value in the Start Date and End Date inputs. Once a value has been entered in both inputs, the component will search for all User Capacity records related to each user in the table where the Capacity Date is within the range specified by the Start Date and End Date inputs on the component.

The table will be updated such that the Capacity column will be populated with the sum of the Capacity field from all found User Capacity records in the date range. The user can populate a new desired capacity value in the Hours column for each row, or use the Apply to all rows button and input to apply a Hours value to multiple rows at once. Once the user has specified the desired capacity for each row in the table, they will click the Save button.

When the Save button is clicked, for each user, the component will determine if a User Capacity record needs to be inserted or updated, by comparing the Capacity Date field on User Capacity records related to the User to the range specified on the component. If the component determines that a User Capacity record already exists for a day in the range and the Capacity field differs from the entered Hours value, the User Capacity record will be updated. If the component determines that there is not a User Capacity record for a day in the range, then a User Capacity record will be inserted for that day.

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