Customize Columns in Batch Entry

Customize Columns in Batch Entry



In some cases, you may want to add or remove columns on the Batch Entry page. Follow the below steps customize which fields are displayed.



  1. If you would like to create a new custom field, you will first need to create the field on the Time Tracking Summary object.
    Navigate to the Time Tracking Summary object in the Object Manager (Setup → Object Manager → Time Tracking Summary).

  2. Click on Fields & Relationships and then follow the field creation wizard

    1. Reference Create Custom Fields in Salesforce Help to choose what type of field works best for you.

  3. Click on the Field Sets section in the left side panel, then click on Batch Entry Columns.

  4. You can now drag and drop fields from the fields Available for the Field Set and drag and drop them in the order you would like to see them.


  5. Check the Required checkbox if you would like them required, then click OK.


  6. Click the Save button to save the fields.

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