Edit an Active Time Tracking in the Stopwatch
You can edit an active Time Tracking Summary record directly in the Time Tracking (“Stopwatch”) component.
A Field Set on the Time Tracking Summary object controls which fields are editable for active time tracking cards. Follow these steps to change the editable fields:
Navigate to the Setup menu.
Click Object Manager.
Select the Time Tracking Summary object from the list of objects. If necessary, you can search for the object using the search box.
Click Field Sets in the left menu.
Click the Stopwatch Edit Field Set.
Drag the fields you’d like to be displayed in the component into the In the Field Set box.
Click Save.
Return to the Time Tracking component and refresh the page.
Fields added to the Field Set may take a few minutes to populate in time tracking cards, so if you don’t see newly added fields right away, refresh your page after a few minutes.
Video Walkthrough
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Time Tracking is built by Fostering and powered by Salesforce.