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This document lists considerations related to automatically populating or hiding the Account column in Batch Entry and Easy Calendar.
Easy Calendar and Batch Entry use the same settings
If you select the Autofill Account: Batch Entry/Easy Cal. or Hide Account: Batch Entry/Easy Calendar checkboxes on the Time Tracking How To & Set Up page, the settings apply to both Easy Calendar and Batch Entry. There aren’t separate settings for each component.
You cannot Autofill/Hide the Account and restrict Second Records
If you select the Autofill Account: Batch Entry/Easy Cal. or Hide Account: Batch Entry/Easy Calendar checkboxes on the Time Tracking How To & Set Up page, you can’t also select Restrict Second Records to Account. The features are mutually exclusive.
Multiple features use the Custom Metadata records
Second Record to Account Mapping Custom Metadata records are used for the Hide/Autofill Account features as well as the Restrict Second Records to Account feature.
Batch Entry Considerations
If you select a field name in the Second Object input, select a Second Object record in the Lookup field below, and then change the Second Object picklist to select another field name, the existing selected Second Object record remains selected, but the component doesn’t allow you to change the record unless you toggle the Second Object picklist back to what you had before, delete the selected record, and then toggle the picklist back again. This issue existed prior to the introduction of the Autofill Account Column and Hide Account Column features.
If "Autofill Account" is selected in Time Tracking Settings and “Hide Account” isn’t selected (because, if “Hide Account” is selected, the Account column isn’t displayed), after the second record in the Default Records modal is deleted after being chosen, the Account name in the Account input field isn't cleared out. Upon selecting another record, the Account field updates as expected. Next cannot be clicked until a second record is selected.
Easy Calendar Considerations
Horizontal resizing of first two columns is not available when the Account column is hidden.
If "Autofill Account" is selected in Time Tracking Settings and “Hide Account” isn’t selected (because, if “Hide Account” is selected, the Account column isn’t displayed), after the second record in the Default Records modal is deleted after being chosen, the Account name in the Account input field isn't cleared out. Upon selecting another record, the Account field updates as expected. "Incomplete" records chosen in the Default Records modal aren't loaded into the Easy Calendar.